Specialist’s Zoom Conferences

Click on the link next to the specialist you would like to join for a conference. You will be put in the waiting room and the teacher will meet with you when it is your turn. Thanks for your patience!

If you would rather email us you may do that too.

Ron Schinkel- rschink@lps.org
Regina Downey- rdowney2@lps.org
Sheri Fraley- sfraley@lps.org
Stephanie Kinnaman- skinnam@lps.org
Laurel Heidbrink- lheidbr@lps.org

Conference Dates and Times:

February 8th
4-4:45: 3rd
5:00-5:45: 4th
5:45-6:15: Dinner
6:15-7:00: 5th

February 10TH
4-4:45: KDG
5:00-5:45: 1st
5:45-6:15: Dinner
6:15-7:00: 2nd

Media: Mrs. Kinnaman- https://lps.zoom.us/j/5523528224

Art: Ms. Downey- https://lps.zoom.us/j/93120784319

Computer Science: Mr. Schinkel- https://lps.zoom.us/j/7207741321

Music: Mrs. Fraley- https://lps.zoom.us/j/6360547566

PE: Mrs. Heidbrink- https://lps.zoom.us/j/8318207100?pwd=NHkxNnBhTnVvdmdYVzdyVGEwZHhHdz